December 12, 2023

Cellular Agriculture: A Path Towards Sustainably and Ethically Feeding the World.

Kevin Conard
Kevin Conard


The recent FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval of cultivated chicken products from Upside Foods and GOOD Meat marks the first time lab grown meat has been approved for sale in the United States, paving the way for Cellular Agriculture to become a new source for animal-based food products. Cellular Agriculture is a new industry that has emerged in the last 10+ years and encompasses cellular products such as cultured or lab-grown meat,and acellular products grown in yeast or bacteria like milk proteins, enzymes,and flavor compounds, and has the potential to significantly impact food production in the 21st century. This innovative approach involves growing cellsin a laboratory setting to produce these products without the need for traditional agriculture.

Here are some ways in which cellular agriculture may impact food production:

1. Sustainability: Traditional animal agriculture is associated with significant environmental challenges, including greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water pollution. Cellular Agriculture can address these sustainability issues by reducing reliance on large-scale animal farming. Studies have shown that lab-grown meat, as an example, requires 90% less land, water, and feed, and has the potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with livestock production.

2. Animal Welfare: Cellular agriculture can improve animal welfare by eliminating the need for raising, keeping, and slaughtering many animals for food. Cellular agricultural products are produced from cells propagated in large scale culture. This technology can lead to a more humane and ethical approach to raising and caring for animals. Traditional animal husbandry will not go away, but rather it will transition into a more sustainable model that will service a smaller, niche market.

3. Food Security: As the global population continues to grow, there is a need to find sustainable and efficient ways to feed the world. Cellular agriculture can help meet the increasing demand for protein-rich food without putting additional pressure on traditional agriculture. Currently, only 55% of the world’s crops are directly consumed by people, with the other 45% being used as animal feed or biofuel feedstocks. By producing meat and dairy in a controlled laboratory environment, cellular agriculture has the potential to increase food production capacity and contribute to food security.

4. Health and Nutrition: Lab-grown meat production allows for the precise control of nutritional composition, which opens possibilities for healthier and more tailored meat products. For example, it may be possible to reduce the saturated fat content or increase the omega-3 fatty acid content in lab-grown meat. This level of customization can have positive implications for public health and nutrition. Products derived from Cellular Agriculture also have the added benefit of being essentially sterile, eliminating the risk of bacterial contamination that occurs during meat processing. E coli contamination and the risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease would become a thing of the past.

5. Land Use and Biodiversity Conservation: Traditional animal agriculture requires vast amounts of land for grazing and feed production, leading to deforestation and habitat destruction. Cellular agriculture can help alleviate these pressures by reducing the need for largel and areas dedicated to animal farming. Preserving land and biodiversity is essential for maintaining ecosystem health and protecting endangered species and helping to alleviate climate change by sequestering excess CO2 in biomass.

While cellular agriculture holds great promise, there are still challenges to overcome, such as the scalability and cost-effectiveness of production, regulatory frameworks, consumer acceptance, and addressing any potential long-term health and safety concerns. However, with ongoing advancements in research and development, cellular agriculture can revolutionize food production and contribute to a more sustainable and ethical future.

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